Senin, 12 September 2011

Mesothelioma Survivor in the World


Mesothelioma survivor Paul Kraus was determined to fight his peritoneal mesothelioma cancer the natural way. He became a vegetarian and started a rigorous anti-cancer diet which included organic fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts and rice. In addition, he added many vitamins and supplements to his daily routine, consumed freshly squeezed juices and tried a treatment known as “ozone therapy”. The rationale for ozone therapy is that cancer cells do not thrive in an oxygenated environment.

While the survival rate for mesothelioma is statistically low, some individuals have surpassed traditional life expectancy projections and lived for years after being diagnosed with the disease. Exactly why some patients beat the odds and survive in spite of a terminal diagnosis is unknown. Their stories, however, can often be a source of hope and insight for other mesothelioma patients and their loved ones.

Mesothelioma survivor Rhio O’Connor contracted pleural mesothelioma after asbestos exposure in his youth. He decided against surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Instead, with some help from physicians, he developed a regimen that included consuming more than 100 supplements daily, following a nutritious diet and practicing holistic, mind-body medicine.

O`Connor was inspired by Hippocrates who, more than 2,000 years ago, said,”Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.O`Connor is the published author of the book “They Said Months, I Chose Years: A Mesothelioma Survivor`s Story.”

Told that he had less than a year to live and to take his wife on a cruise, he fought mesothelioma the natural way and lived a further 7 years to tell the tale.

To read more about survivors of mesothelioma cancer and, more importantly, how to enhance your chances of being a survivor, ask for a free copy of the Mesothelioma Center's comprehensive informational packet. The packet is tailored specifically for each person who asks for one and contains information about treatments, clinical trials, doctors and mesothelioma cancer centers. Fill out the form below to get a packet delivered to your door.
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