Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

There Riots Australian Christmas Island Centre

AUSTRALIA -There Riots Australian Christmas Island Centre. Australian police fired tear gas at rioting asylum seekers to Christmas Island detention center following days of unrest.

Police reinforcements were on the island on Thursday after about 250 inmates set fire to buildings and attacked security forces flown.

Prisoners say they are against the living conditions and the time it takes to process their asylum protest.

Some asylum seekers were reportedly for 18 months.

Christmas Island, off the northwest coast of Western Australia, is home to more than 2,500 asylum seekers.

The center is busy by a steady rise in asylum seekers by boat in northern waters of Australia.

More than 6,500 came to Australia by boat last year, mainly from Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Iraq.
"In Crisis"

Bricks and concrete blocks were thrown by protesters and destroyed two compounds in prison as the center, police said.

The incident was the latest in almost a week of riots and similar outbreaks in the facility.

christmas island
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd condemned the riots as "totally unacceptable".

"How can you expect our staff process applications for asylum, if something happens?" "He added in a televised speech stating that no relaxation of the rules.

Immigration Minister, Chris Bowen told police back in control in the middle.

"Last night, buildings were damaged, fire lit and there were violent approach of the Australian Federal Police," he said.

The authorities continued to tear gas and bean bag "bullets - which has been described as a mini beanbags fired from a pistol-like weapon - the protesters under control.

christmas island
Mr. Bowen said a further 70 police officers the island with the 118-strong force to strengthen already.

The Immigration Service announced this week nearly 100 asylum seekers from Christmas Island had moved to Darwin after the continuing unrest.

A further 500 asylum seekers from the island can be transferred to Darwin in the coming weeks, ABC reported.

christmas island
Mr. Bowen said overcrowding and long delays were contributing to a level of frustration that had contributed "significant and serious" incidents on Christmas Island.

Earlier this month the government announced a new immigration detention facility would ease in the northern city of Darwin on Christmas Island on the population to build.

The conservative opposition believes tougher action is needed to deter more boats from the arrival of more asylum seekers.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott said the detention was "in crisis".
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